Dr. Dwijen Sharma Dept. of English, North Eastern Hill University (Tura Campus) Abstract The paper discusses the creative writings from North-East India as ethno-eco-centric texts. It examines the literary representations of socio-cultural, economic and political ideologies of the ethnic communities of North-East India to locate the ecological crisis and environmental injustice. The aim has been […]
Month: July 2020
A Jungian Analysis of Ageing in the Movie The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Kamila Gulnar KAHM Unity Women’s College (Kerala) Abstract David Fincher’s 2008 movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, loosely based on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s short story of the same name, traces the fictitious story of ‘Benjamin’ born with the physique of an old man who undergoes ‘reverse aging’ in the course of his life. The […]
Resonance of Communal dis/harmony in Mahesh Dattani’s Final Solutions
Dr. R. Devanand Dept. Of English, GFGC Koratagere Abstract Mahesh Dattani is a unique contemporary “playwright of world stature” who needs no introduction. He is one of India’s finest dramatists, who engineers contemporary issues in his plays to the fullest extent. There is a quest for communal harmony in his plays. Communal hatred and religious […]
From Detention to Liberation : A Diasporic Experience in Manju Kapur’s The Immigrant
Dr. Nitasha Bajaj Assistant Professor, D.A.V. College for Girls, Yamunanagar Abstract This research paper is an attempt to study how in her The Immigrant, Manju Kapur aims to show the transformation of a character’s identity from her immigrant cum diasporic existence to a ‘new woman’. Change in cultural identity has its many facets and the […]