Snigdha Rani Dutta Half of a Yellow Sun is Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s attempt to expose the impact of a political crisis in the condition of living during the Nigerian Civil War (also known as the Biafran war). Adichie, while exploring the personal conflicts among the characters, reveals the conflicts of the nation in a larger […]
Issue II
Professional Prejudices and Bonding among Women in Falling From Grace
Dr. Subhash Verma Asstt. Prof. of English, Govt. College Sarkaghat (H.P.) Abstract The plays of Hannie Rayson, a Melbourne based contemporary Australian playwright, depict current opportunities for women in terms of expanded educational and career choices, which have in turn led to complexities in women’s relationship with men and a shift in family arrangements. Her […]
The Crossroad of Women’s Education : Serampore Missionaries and Swami Vivekananda
Dr Saptarshi Mallick Charles Wallace India Trust fellow & Assistant Professor (English) School of Social Science and Languages Vellore Institute of Technology Abstract Education facilitates an individual’s mind with an atmosphere of creative activity (The Centre 1, 2, 3). The Serampore Missionaries and Swami Vivekananda though belonging to different spaces of time voiced similar visionary […]
The Politics of the Spectacle and Midnight’s Children
Dr. Rajashree Bargohain Assistant Professor, Dept. of English, Sonapur College (Assam) Abstract Salman Rushdie’s novels, especially Midnight’s Children, incorporate sundry elements from various sources such as films, epic, fable, national events, family saga, advertisements, popular songs, newspaper clippings, parody, pastiche and gossip et al to create a new kind of ‘chutnified’ language. While being intricately […]