Call for Papers

On Topics of English Literature / Assamese Literature / Folklore / Culture
Scholars are requested not to make telephonic correspondence regarding any subject related with the journal. For any queries regarding the journal, please contact the editor via email only.

Scholars, please note this important policy decision: No author having published an article will be allowed to publish another paper in the next consecutive issue.

For Volume XIV, Issue I of May 2025

Scholarly, unpublished papers are invited on any issue covered by Assamese literature/English literature/folklore/culture. Only accepted papers will be published after thoroughly reviewed by our experts.


  • Articles should be submitted as MS-Word attachment paper size-A4; Font-Times New Roman (Size-12); Spacing – Single line.
  • Authors are requested to follow the latest version of MLA (9th Edition) handbook in preparing articles.
  • The title of article - bold and centered.
  • Length of the article - should not exceed 2500 words.
  • The contributors are requested not to mention their names anywhere in the article except in the front page.
  • Authors writing in Assamese language should send their articles in PMD format along with another file in PDF.

Plagiarism Alert:

Authors are requested to arrange for a plagiarism test report (as per UGC recommendation) and submit the same along with their write-ups. DrillBit/URKUND/Turnitin check for plagiarism would only be considered.

Mode of Submission:

The full paper, complete in all details and accompanied by an abstract of about 175 words & 4-5 keywords must be submitted online on this website.

Please note:

  • Name, designation, address, including email and phone numbers of the author(s) should appear on the first page below the title of the manuscript. Incomplete information will lead to rejection of the submission.
  • A manuscript containing typographical, grammatical and punctuation errors will be summarily rejected and shall not be sent to reviewers for the blind peer-review process.
  • All references mentioned in the “Works cited” list are cited in the text, and vice versa. Incomplete “in-text” citations and “Works cited” will lead to rejection of the submission.
  • The submission should adhere to the style recommended by the MLA Handbook (9th Edition). Failure to comply with the style may cause rejection of the submission.
  • Author (s) must ensure that the submission has been duly checked for plagiarism by the plagiarism checker DrillBit/URKUND/Turnitin. It must conform to the permissible limit of 10% similarities, as mentioned in the UGC (Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2018. A submission without the plagiarism report shall be rejected.
  • A declaration mentioning the submission to be original, free from plagiarised content, not submitted elsewhere for publication, and adherence to the publication policy of the journal should be submitted with the manuscript in a separate file.
  • The submission will have a preliminary peer-screening for its strength for sending for blind peer- review.

Next Issue (Volume XIV, Issue I of May 2025)

The submission window will remain open for the period between December 14, 2024 to December 23, 2024 on this website.