Homes across the Water: Dislocation and Transcultural Kinship in Amitav Ghosh’s The Glass Palace

Dr. Asis De Associate Professor of English, Mahishadal Raj College ([email protected]) Anupam Roy Ph. D Research Scholar, Vidyasagar University Abstract Kinship studies, a key area of anthropology since the late nineteenth century, implies human relationships based on consanguinity and biological affinity, where blood-relationships play an essential role in the social grouping of people and identity […]

Indigenising the Detective Genre in Satyajit Ray’s ‘Feluda’ series: A Study

Dr. Chandreie Mukherjee Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Management(IIM), Visakhapatnam ([email protected]) Abstract The paper navigates through the socio-cultural footmark that Satyajit Ray (1921-1992) etches through his detective fiction in nineteenth century Bengal. It locates texts and their recurring themes and motifs in a wider social and historical context. This would deal with the emergence of […]